Why Adults are Loving Orthodontic Treatment

  • 30th April 2016

Smiling during orthodontic treatment? It really is possible! We know that straightening your teeth doesn’t seem like a whole lot of fun. Between the frequent trips to your dentist’s office, the tender teeth, and the restricted diet and activities, there are a lot of patient demands. But what if you…

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Dealing with Jaw Pain? You Deserve Relief

  • 11th April 2016

If you’re in pain, you’re not yourself. And long-term chronic discomfort will end up making you feel like a completely different person. You become irritable, frustrated, and exhausted – and that’s not what you deserve from daily life. Too many patients put up with ongoing jaw pain because they don’t…

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Find Cosmetic Treatment You Absolutely Love

  • 24th March 2016

There are few of us that actually love going to the dentist’s office. Between dental anxiety, cost concerns, and unfamiliarity with dental procedures, there are plenty of reasons to feel nervous about your exams. And if seeking preventive care seems unappealing, how can you decide on taking extra steps like…

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Visualize Your Smile Makeover

  • 7th March 2016

It’s one thing to imagine your perfect smile, and another entirely to see it brought to life. But getting that kind of inspiration can be key for patients hesitating to start cosmetic treatment. Altering your smile will change your life significantly – and transform you in more than just a…

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How Do Dental Implants Work?

  • 26th February 2016

Does this graphic just look confusing? Keep reading to gain some implant insight We spend a lot of time talking about how amazing dental implants are – but if you don’t know how they actually work, this probably sounds like a lot of nonsense. How do you replace lost tooth…

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Regular Dental Exams Could Keep Your Body Healthy

  • 8th February 2016

Better health could start with a simple dental exam We do everything possible to keep our bodies in great shape. And the more we learn about the mouth-body connection, the more important it becomes to tend to your teeth. Most patients should visit the dentist for an exam every six…

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Don’t Believe These Root Canal Myths

  • 29th January 2016

Facing down endodontic therapy, and feeling like you want to run the other way? Your root canal isn’t going to be as bad as you imagine. Unfortunately, this procedure has become one of the most feared by dental patients, and we’re not entirely sure why. What hasn’t helped is misinformation spread…

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Smile Restoration Rebuilds Teeth (and Confidence)

  • 11th January 2016

Are your front teeth worn, damaged, or missing entirely? Find the restorative solution that fits perfectly Our teeth connect our inner and outer selves. They help us express who we are, and speak our thoughts and feelings. And your smile is one of the first things a new acquaintance notices,…

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How to Straighten Teeth without Anxiety

  • 24th December 2015

Anxiety is one of the most crucial parts of life – after all, doesn’t a little stress motivate us? But while some nerves can be beneficial, ongoing stress becomes crushing. You have plenty going on in your life without adding to your anxiety load, but sometimes you have to try…

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Athletes Have Amazing Bodies but Terrible Teeth

  • 9th December 2015

Professional athletes should be the picture of health, right? While their muscles may be on point, and we obsess over their performances on the field, we’d feel differently if we knew more about the state of their mouths. Athletes tend to possess oral health that’s definitely not gold medal-worthy –…

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